Pictionary meets Telephone in this irreverent drawing game.

How it works: Remember that childhood game Telephone? Where one person would whisper a message into the kid's ear next to them, then that kid would whisper into the ear next to them, and so on and so on until total chaos erupted? Now imagine that with drawing. Scrawl is one of our absolute all-time favorite games, where players alternate rounds of drawing and guessing to create an absurd chain of what-were-we-thinking drawings and madness.
Why it's clever: The game is so simple, you can explain it and get a large group playing in minutes. Points don't matter. You can play with the included clues or write your own (perfect for a group with in-jokes). You can use other game cards as clues (Cards Against Humanity works especially well here, like almost better than original CaH itself). Don't play with your kids, do play with your parents.
Price: $25